About Us
The Elkhorn School Advisory Council
“Each TDSB school is required to have a school council made up of the principal, parents, teachers, support staff, students (secondary schools), and community members.
The purpose of the council is to actively engage parents to improve student success. It also provides a regular opportunity for its members to discuss how to make the school a better place for learning for its students. The principal brings important information about the school to the school council. The school council, in turn, advises the principal on matters related to the learning goals of the school, the school’s policies and procedures, students’ needs, activities and resources for students and parents, and ways of involving parents in the life of the school.” – TDSB School Matters
The school council holds scheduled public meetings and consults the principal on a variety of issues and activities relating to student achievement, school budget priorities, school safety, after-school activities, and planned fundraising.
The School Council runs fundraising activities such as pizza lunches, movie nights, holiday celebrations, funfair, and snack sales to support and complement many school programs.
The Elkhorn SAC accomplishments over the years:
- playscape/playground replacement 2019
- funfair
- subsidizing school trips (buses/activity cost)
- new musical instruments
- new physical education equipment
- technology in the classrooms – such as Chromebooks, printers
- funding visiting artists and authors
- online licenses to complement virtual learning RazKids, Currentz4kids
- classroom funds for teachers
- after-school programs – Chess with Mr S
- give back to the community – such as food drives, clothing drives
- Welcome Back BBQ
Our Guiding Principle
“Elkhorn Public School Advisory Council (SAC), in partnership with the school community, is dedicated to providing the best learning environment, enabling all students to reach their full potential.”
Some of the key functions provided by Elkhorn’s SAC include:
- Governance of financial matters including budget management, and fund allocation.
- Development and execution of fundraising initiatives such as movie nights, pizza lunches, lunch and
- Coordination with School Administration and TDSB on school-related issues
- Coordination of programming initiatives such as after school programs
- Coordination of special events such as the Welcome Back BBQ and funfairs
- Advocacy for safety, nutrition and improved learning resources